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Managing Lichen Simplex In Your Skin

Lichen Simplex is characterized by the thickening of skin on the area plagued with pruritus, which is found to be idiopathic or with no known cause. It is often found to be second to frequent scratching or rubbing of the affected area. The body seems to detect pruritus in some area which in turn signals the body to scratch that specific area. Unfortunately, even with the lack of pathology, trauma is caused on the area, up to the time that the skin gets lichenified.

How does it happen?

Lichen Simplex is often seen on the areas of the skin that can easily be accessed by the hands. This is so that it would be easy to find relief through scratching. These areas are often afflicted with pruritus although the cause is not known yet. There are skin types that are found to be prone to thickening and scaling or what may be described as lichenification. These skin types are often afflicted with eczematous conditions such as atopic diathesis, and atopic dermatitis. It is thought that Lichen Simplex is involved in the nervous tissue wherein the itch perception and intensity of pruritus influences further its severity.

Some studies have shown that stress, especially emotional stress and touch may have something to do with an increase in itchiness of the affected area. When this occurs, the chances that you develop Lichen Simplex are quite high since relief is derived from scratching the affected area.

Insect bites are a great way to get the pruritus or itchiness on the skin out of hand. These are often the case since they have a way of making you scratch the affected area until the area becomes bigger and more affected. Psychological factors also play a role in the aggravating the presence of Lichen Simplex.

What are the effects of Lichen Simplex?

There is no documented evidence that people afflicted with this condition ends up to be a mortality statistic although sometimes, the itchiness is quite too hard to handle, resulting in severe scratching of the area and the development of Lichen Simplex. Interrupted sleep and decreased sleep may also occur with Lichen Simplex, affecting both mental and motor facilities.

Pruritic plaques can be found on several areas such as the nape, scalp, scrotum, vulva, upper medial thighs, and extensor forearms and elbows.

Characteristics of Lichen Simplex

Asians as well as African Americans are found to be commonly afflicted with Lichen Simplex. The prominence of the follicles can also be detected in the affected area. Women are also found to be more prone to having this disorder as compared to men. In fact, they even have their own Lichen Simplex strain that is frequently seen in the neck area of these women. Those who reach the age of 30 to 50 should be prepared and protected from getting this condition.

The affected skin often starts becoming quite itchy, leading them to scratch those areas affected. When this happens, it will take on the form of a plaque which isolated papules, scaly, firm, skin, and sometimes exhibiting hyperpigmentation.

Lichen Simplex has been found to be quite hard to diagnose because of the differences in structure and occurrence. It may be just physical or even neurological. But one thing is sure; it promotes the scratching of affected area until relief is found.