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Facts About Psoriasis

Our skin, the largest organ in the body, is the one that is always seen by other people. Although we always want healthy and perfect looking skin, sometimes we get infected with various types of skin disease and our self-esteem can suffer greatly. When we get infections such as these, it is a sign that something is wrong internally, and this is manifested externally.

Psoriasis is sometimes hereditary and is usually caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, stress, and excessive smoking and alcohol consumption.

Types of Psoriasis

There are several types of psoriasis. The first is plaque psoriasis, which is the most common type. Symptoms of this is a raised area of skin with silvery white discoloration.

The second is flexural psoriasis in where the skin is inflamed although smooth. The skin also tends to have folds typically in areas where the body excretes a lot of sweat, such as in the genitals, underarms, under the breasts, and in the stomach. This type of psoriasis is caused by friction together with sweat.

The third kind is guttate psoriasis; the symptoms are tear shaped spots around the body that occur in large numbers. Common bodily areas of infection are the scalp, limbs and trunk. This type of psoriasis is also associated with streptococcal throat infection.

Pustular psoriasis, on the other hand, is characterized by red lumps that are filled with pus. The pus can be grouped in one area of the body such as the palms, or randomly widespread.

Nail psoriasis causes discoloration in the toenails and fingers. It also affects the quality of the nail such as its lines, thickening, or crumbling of nails.

Psoriatic arthritis is a type of psoriasis that occurs in joints, usually in the fingers and toes although it can also affect knees, hips, and spine.

Erythrodermic psoriasis is the last type of psoriasis wherein the skin becomes inflamed in most of the surface. The skin also tends to be itchy and swollen, and this is also the most fatal type of psoriasis as it can cause death when the skin cannot perform its normal functions.

Treatment of Psoriasis: Live a healthy lifestyle

Medical experts agree that to avoid psoriasis one must live a healthy lifestyle; stay away from smoking and drinking. Should psoriasis occur, there are different treatments such as:

  1. Topical which involve moisturizing the skin through lotions and various types of oil
  2. Phototherapy is a type of treatment that uses sunlight to treat psoriasis
  3. Photochemotherapy which involves administration of psoralen on the affected area or taken internally together with ultraviolet A
  4. Systematic treatment on the other hand involves the use of pills and injections and this type of treatment is for persistent cases of psoriasis that do not respond to phototherapy and tropical treatment
  5. And various forms of alternative medicines.