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Skin Allergy And Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis appears as an irritation on the surface of the skin and makes the skin to be sensitive and irritant to an alien material. The disease promotes in the development of rashes and it is caused only on the external surface of the epidermis. The skin allergy appears within minutes and fades within seconds or it may take some time for the healing of the wound.

Contact dermatitis appears in the form of big and large rashes resulting to itchiness and takes several days in the healing of the wound. The skin disease may be severe or chronic and it relates to the strength of the irritants that cause the rashes. Some of the forms of chemical irritants that affects in the outer surface of the skin resulting contact dermatitis are detergents, extremes of PH, surfactants and organic absorbents. These irritants cause the trans-epidermal loss of water and water binding mechanisms in causing the contact dermatitis to the skin.

Contact dermatitis is divided into several types and the rashes on the skin are formed according to the presence of irritants on the skin. They are:

  1. Contact dermatitis with Chemical irritants
  2. Contact dermatitis with the physical irritants
  3. Allergic contact dermatitis
  4. Photo contact dermatitis.

The common symptoms for contact dermatitis are the existence of red rashes, blisters, itchy burning skin, wheals and allergies on the skin. Prevalence of red and acute rashes is the common feature of the presence of the contact dermatitis. The rashes appear for more than twenty four hours and make a pattern to the skin when it is exposed to the irritant directly. The itchy feeling prevails and it promotes pain to the skin. Contact dermatitis can appear anywhere on the whole body and it mostly occurs in the areas that are exposed to sun.

Contact dermatitis can be treated with self treatment at home and can be treated with the professional guidance. If the rashes are small home treatment is considered to be the best. Washing the rashes with soap and cool water helps in the removal of the irritant and causes relief to the skin. Use of acidic solutions like the vinegar and lemon juice helps in reducing the effects caused to the skin allergy. Prevalence of blisters can be treated with moist cottons and provides soothing effect to the skin.

Continuous appearance of the contact dermatitis has to be reduced by visiting the doctor for skin specialist called as dermatologist. Application of lotions, intake of medicines and creams as per the prescription of the dermatologist helps in the reduction of the rashes on skin. Certain medications like the corticosteroids and antihistamines are the common medicines prescribed by the skin specialists in the removal of rashes from the skin.

The occurrence of contact dermatitis depends on the irritant and it is said to be important for the identification of such irritant and the patients should avoid usage of such irritants in their daily life. Allergy testing of the irritants on the patches of the skin also helps in the determination of contact dermatitis by the individuals. Contact dermatitis is a skin allergy and it can be treated with the help of dermatologist.