Gaining More Muscular Strength
Muscular strength is important because it helps you regain your posture. Increasing muscle
strength is also useful for reshaping your body so that you look fitter and in shape. People who are aiming to lose
weight also benefit from gaining muscle strength because it increases their metabolism. People who exercise to
build muscular strength also have stronger bones.
Getting started with muscular strength
We all must learn how to walk before we can run. How you will start, entirely depends on what level of fitness
you are on now. You should consult with your doctor about starting on a training program. There is no reason why
women should not opt for muscular strength exercises either. Women can easily decrease the amount of weight that
they are lifting if they find that they are building muscle instead of getting toned.
Types of muscular strength exercises
Muscular strength exercises are not limited to just weight lifting. Although a majority of these exercises do
involve the use of weights. Some people have very excellent results with calisthenics such as push-ups, sit-ups and
abdominal crunches etc. Additionally the use of bands and elastics can give wonderful results. You should enjoy
your training and it should be invigorating so that you take an active interest in the exercise program and stay
motivated. So contrary to popular belief, muscular strength exercises does not only mean spending hours in the gym
with weight machines, you can easily use free weights outdoors if you like.
Tracking progress after muscular strength
The shape of the body is the number one indicator of good muscular strength. You can also, however, measure
muscular strength using a dynamometer. Using a hand dynamometer, the assessor will ask you to squeeze your hand as
hard as you can three times. The grip is a good indicator of muscle strength over all. You should be able to
accurately gauge your progress over time using this process.
Muscular strength exercises or endurance
There is a need for both ideally. However it depends on how large you would like your muscles to get over time.
If you feel that you need bigger muscles, then you should technically aim to increase the amount of weight you lift
over time. If you do not like the idea of being big and bulky you can increase the amount of repetitions that you
do and build endurance over time. In any case, your exercise program should be tailored to your needs, goals and
desires. There is some benefit in both the areas and you should strive to attain a balance over all. Muscular
strength exercises and endurance building do not have to be necessarily exclusive to each other.