Magnesium In The Diet
Magnesium is a mineral that helps in the formation of bones, production of proteins,
transformation of energy for the muscle storage and helps in the regulation of body temperature. It is also a major
intracellular ion that is responsible in maintaining the balance in charges and substances in cells.
Recent studied by the U.S. RDA have shown that the average intake of magnesium among women in the age category
19 to 50 years are about 74 percent. But men of the above age group have showed a result of 94 percent of the level
of magnesium. More than 50 percent of the women had the intake of magnesium to the extent of below 70 percent of
the recommended dietary allowance.
As per the U.S. RDA the recommended level of magnesium is 400 milligrams per day for an individual. Food
products like meat, fish and poultry provide 18 percent of the presence of the element magnesium. Dietary products
like fats, sweets and beverages provide 14 percent of the level of magnesium, but these dietary products are
recommended as good source of food because of the level of calories present in them rather than the vitamin and
minerals supplied by these products.
Foods having the presence of low amount of magnesium and that are not considered in the good source of food,
when gradually undertaken in large, frequent quantities helps in inducing the level of magnesium. Some of the
important guidelines for daily food supplement include having various kinds of diet rich food should be undertaken.
Also, the body weight should match with the height of the individual. Fatty substances like butter, cheese, ghee
that includes cholesterol and saturated fat should be avoided. Foods rich in starch and fiber should be consumed.
Excessive intake of sugar and sodium should be avoided. Consumption of alcoholic beverages should be undertaken
Consumption of various kinds of food leads to the increased amount of magnesium. The individuals being healthy
but having an unbalanced diet should compulsorily undertake supplements of magnesium. If the level of magnesium
provides a low level, then it is recommended to consume the food having good source of magnesium and special care
should be taken for the frequent intake of the magnesium rich foods. The list of foods rich in magnesium helps in
the selection of the good sources of food recommended as per the dietary guidelines. The list of good sources of
magnesium was taken from the nutritive value of food tables provided for the food consumption surveys done by the
United States Department of Agriculture and Human Nutrition Information Service.
The presence of the element magnesium is lost in some food during the process of cooking under the best
conditions. Magnesium could be retained by cooking the food with minimum amount of water and at the shortest time.
Whole grain cereals contain 10 percent of magnesium as per the U.S recommended dietary allowance. There are
different kinds of cereals and the percentage of magnesium for the cereal can be checked on the label of the