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The Shocking Effects Of The Atkins Diet To Your Overall Health

There is one type of diet that has been facing too much ridicule lately, and it’s called the Atkins diet. For the longest time, advocates have been trying to emphasize the importance of the approach through books and other modes of communication. However, health experts have also been busy disproving their claims. What is the Atkins diet? How does it affect your body? Is it really dangerous?

The theory behind the atkins diet

During the 1960s, a renowned doctor by the name of Robert Atkins introduced a whole new revolutionary diet. It was then referred as the Atkins diet. It was based on the assumption that the reason why there are so many fat people was that they have been eating too many carbs. However, when it comes to energy consumption, carbohydrates are used up first before fats. Thus, when you increase your fat and protein intake and decreasing carbohydrates, you can then lose some weight.

What happens during the atkins diet

When a person is on the Atkins diet, he’s been cutting down on carbohydrates. When this happens, he will have more opportunity not only to burn carbohydrates but fats as well. You will get your energy from the minute carbon components that you have in your body. You will be dependent on them to break the fat deposits down during the Atkins diet. Furthermore, when you are on the Atkins diet, you will possibly experience less hunger pangs, which will then mean that you will actually be reducing your food intake.

One of the greatest downsides of the Atkins diet, however, is that there is too much focus on fats and proteins; and as they say, anything too much is considered bad for the health. The most important thing to establish better health, is to combine a well-balanced diet with exercise. This is, by far, neglected by the Atkins diet. What’s more, the diet itself can actually cause different kinds of not-so-pleasing effects. For one, you will have some problems with your breath’s odor. You will also likely suffer from constipation.

What you need to keep in mind in the atkins diet

Nevertheless, if you believe in the power of the Atkins diet and its ability to help you lose weight, there are certain things that you need to keep in mind. First of all, you should learn to limit yourself when it comes to the food that you can place on your plate. For example, you cannot take in white flour or rice, sugar and you cannot drink milk. Rather, you better choose meat, cheese and eggs, among others.

Because the Atkins diet encourages you to eat proteins and fats, you can consume red meat and fish, such as shellfish. You can also cook your food in butter. When it comes to your salads, you can add in mayonnaise as well as olive oil.

The key to everything

In the end, what you have to remember when you are on the Atkins diet – or any other diet, for that matter – is that you take everything in moderation. You also need to pair your diet with regular exercise.